Ti amo – Il tuo matrimonio da sogno in Italia

Rocco Forte Hotels

L’Italia, patria dell’amore eterno, offre a chi si ama uno scenario più romantico di quello di un film. Immaginate di pronunciare “Sì, lo voglio” sotto un cielo azzurro senza fine, circondati da un paesaggio incantevole. Dal clima perfetto a una cucina attenta, le infinite meraviglie dell’Italia sono la garanzia per vivere un matrimonio indimenticabile.

Lasciatevi alle spalle la vita di tutti i giorni, e celebrate il vostro amore in una di queste due location di classe, in Puglia o a Palermo, immersi nei meandri della Storia e nel fascino intenso del Mediterraneo.

Il lusso a portata di mano, alla Masseria Torre Maizza

Un rifugio appartato, incastonato nell’idillio della campagna pugliese, Masseria Torre Maizza è un connubio perfetto tra il fascino rustico italiano e l’eleganza contemporanea, la location ideale per la vostra cerimonia. Con le sue 28 suite dalle proporzioni perfette, potrete godervi un soggiorno esclusivo, e crearvi il vostro angolo di paradiso per il Grande Giorno, circondati da tutti i vostri cari.

Say ‘I do’ under the warm Italian sun as a gentle sea breeze rustles through the ancient olive trees that surround this 16th-century Masseria. Mingle with your guests on Bougainvillea’s sun-drenched terrace, sipping something bubbly with your love as traditional Tarantella performers bring the Puglian party spirit. Later, dine under the stars in our expansive private gardens or the elegant, white-washed surrounds of Caresollo where our dedicated team have prepared a flavourful feast, designed around you. Our collonaded pool sets the scene for all-night, fizz-fuelled dancing. 

Arise the next morning to panoramic views from your terrace in the Torre Suite, housed in the original Mediaeval watch tower. For tired dancing feet, the luxuriant tranquillity of Irene Forte Spa awaits ahead of a languorous day spent poolside, reliving the excitement of your most special day.

Say I do under a Sicilian sky at Villa Igiea

It is said that Palermo is where Italians want to get married. And, brimming with history, multi-layered with culture, and filled with old-world glamour, it’s not hard to see why. At the edge of the sparkling Mediterranean, overlooking this vibrant city, sits the majestic Villa Igiea. Long-loved by royalty, dignitaries, and Hollywood stars for its utter privacy and seclusion, this turn-of-the-century palazzo is a perfect seaside-meets-city combination for your dream wedding.

Exchange vows in the magnificent Sala Basile where stunning floral frescoes cover the walls, almost touching the high, beamed ceiling. Then wander through the lush English gardens that waterfall down to the sea, something sparkling in hand, with your new spouse while your guests sip sundowners on Terrazza Mare as sailboats drift by.  

Gather together with your loved ones for a spectacular wedding supper in our glorious Belle Époque Ballroom. The vine-wrapped chandeliers glitter as you dine on a menu that showcases the finest cuisine of the Gattopardi. Later, cut your cake under a starlit sky surrounded by the ruins of an ancient temple – a magical setting for your first moment of sharing together as a married couple. 

A Rocco Forte Hotels wedding starts by perfectly matching your vision to the most beautiful venues in Europe. You pick the mood, we’ll handle the rest, down to the very last detail. 

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